12-Month Executive Leadership Certificate


  • Attending three leadership seminars on the PTS campus (usually in May and October)
  • Preparation for seminars through readings, periodic assignments, and self-reflection and assessments
  • Participating in regularly scheduled check-in calls with the cohort, led by the leadership coach (six times per year)
  • A willingness to engage deeply in learning, building relationships with colleagues, and fostering the growth of self and others


The vibrancy of each cohort is determined by the diverse experiences each participant brings. To ensure participants from different kinds of congregations have access to this first-class experience, the cost of the program is determined on a sliding scale based on the membership size of the church you serve.

  • Participants will be able to pay in up to three installments.
  • Travel or transportation to and from campus are the responsibility of the participant.
  • Please don’t let cost be a reason you don’t apply! If you have questions about potential scholarships or financial assistance, email ironsharpeningiron@ptsem.edu
  • Three in-person curricular seminars: plenary sessions, small-group coaching, programming, and materials included. One curricular session is made available as a set of virtual courses and workshops.
  • Leadership Identity Assessment, 360° Performance Review, and consultation
  • Lodging and meals during the leadership seminars
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