ISI Student Experience

Rising 3rd-year women in the M.Div. program are invited to apply for a unique leadership intensive, offering professional coaching and mentoring alongside a curriculum designed to complement seminary studies with material designed to build confidence and capacity around organizational leadership. This includes sessions on leadership identity, budgeting, fundraising, change management, and navigating conflict. 

Iron Sharpening Iron (ISI) equips women to embrace and build upon the capacities, agency and savvy they possess to negotiate challenging leadership contexts with a confidence born of competence. Drawing on best practices from leaders in church, business, public service and beyond, the program’s interdisciplinary curriculum serves the fundamental goal of promoting capable women to thrive in God’s calling in a way that has theological integrity and a sophisticated philosophy and practice.

The 3.5-day leadership intensive for 3rd-year MDiv students is designed to help women develop key skills for the next phase of their professional journey. The intensive takes the core offerings of our signature Executive Leadership program — curriculum, coaching, and community — and modifies them to meet the unique needs of women preparing for leadership in ministry, nonprofits, the academy, and beyond.

This is an application-based program. The deadline for the 2025 Session is Monday, Feb. 3, 2025. Scroll down for the application.

Program requirements are simple: Be present for the Fall Curricular Gathering, Oct. 21-24, 2025; this is Reading Week at the seminary. 

Questions? Email


Students will participate in Finance Week for Iron Sharpening Iron. This includes plenary sessions on budget basics and fundraising, alongside Class VI of Iron Sharpening Iron. 

Students will also participate in three key workshops with their own cohort:

  • Leadership Identity + Presence
  • Introduction to Change Management
  • Navigating Conflict


Students will participate in a group coaching session focused on career launch questions and reflection.

  • Mock interviews


In addition the connection with other students in the cohort, and learning and worshipping alongside working pastors from Class VI, participants will have the chance to select a mentor from nationwide Iron Sharpening Iron network. This mentor will engage in at least three mentoring conversations with the student.


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